Complete the form below to be sent an enrolment form!

There are no formal entry requirements for this qualification specified within the Arts and Culture Training Package (CUA). The Grove Studios Academy requires students who undertake this course to -Complete and return an enrolment form
- Be aged 15 years or over. - Have a USI or attain one here - Have a valid 100 point of ID
- Have suitable language, literacy, and numeracy skills to read and comprehend learning materials and perform tasks related to this course.
- To ensure all students have the required level of LLN skills, The Grove Studios Academy will assess a learner’s core skills during their enrolment to ensure they have adequate skills to complete the training. 

All students will be required to complete the Learning and Literacy Assessment as well as a Student Interview. For students who have fundamental support needs, The Grove Studios Academy can refer these students to a specialist language, literacy and numeracy development provider who can assist students to raise their skills to the required standard.

The Grove Studios Academy can provide additional learning support to any student who experience disadvantage, including but not limited to disability.

The steps in the process of enrolment for courses are as follows:

  1. Complete an “Expression of Interest” Form.

  2. Interview with Academy Management.

  3. Carry out Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) assessment.

  4. Receive Confirmation and Acceptance of EOI.

  5. Receive Confirmation of Enrolment, after providing confirmation of leaving school.

  6. Registered with Smart and Skilled to process course fee subsidy.

Students, as part of the Enrolment process, will be required to provide the following at various times in the Enrolment process.:

  1. Confirmation that all information provided is true, accurate, complete and not misleading in any way. (Confirmation of Enrolment)

  2. Confirmation of leaving school. (Confirmation of Enrolment)

  3. That a  notification of Enrolment process has not concurrently been completed for the same qualification and/or the same units of competency for the same or other qualification(s). (Confirmation of Enrolment)

  4. 100 Point Identification. (Expression of Interest)

  5. USI Number. (Expression of Interest)

  6. Student declaration that includes: (Confirmation of Enrolment)

    1. Consent to the collection, use and disclosure of my Personal Information in the manner outlined above in the Privacy Section of this Enrolment Form

    2. Confirmation they have received information on fees, 3rd party arrangements

  7. Awareness of optional, non-Smart and Skilled subsidised fee associated with this course, that provides additional training in the way of facilities and technical support. (Confirmation of Enrolment)

  8. Student Information Privacy Notice Declaration. (Confirmation of Enrolment)

  9. Confirmation of receiving Course Brochure and Student Handbook. (Confirmation of Enrolment)

  10. A medical Certificate supporting any medical condition they may effect learning and as such make the student eligible for a full Smart and Skilled subsidy. (Expression of Interest)